Jamie Schild

Founder & CEO

While a civil engineer by trade, Jamie’s operations experience started more than 25 years ago as a laborer for his family’s paving company. While on the front lines of the family business, he quickly became inspired by the how and why of systems and behaviors.

Beginning his career on the design side of engineering, Jamie saw a disconnect emerging: talented consultants and engineers building solutions in a vacuum without fully appreciating the individual needs of their clients.

In honing his own approach, Jamie focused on creating specific, tangible value that operators required versus lofty, but sometimes unrealistic goals driven by engineers and architects.

Over time, this mindset not only generated strong results, but results that scaled with his clients; these ways of working were driven in partnership with long-tenured staff, leading to ownership, longevity and internalization of best practices instead of a feeling of “being told what to do.”

This idea of sustainability is not just an effective growth model, but a moral guiding principle: he lives sustainably day to day in his home in Morrison, CO with his fiancé, two dogs and an ever-growing garden.

Email: info@a-bay.co

Office: Morrison, CO

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